Cold Sores Pictures Of African Americans What Is The Best Remedy For Cold Sores On The Tongue?

What is the best remedy for cold sores on the tongue? - cold sores pictures of african americans

I have several cold sores (I guess that's what they are) in my language, all at once. They are painful and worsening, and I want to know how to get rid of! I leaned over natural resources, as compared to hard drugs and treatments. Can anyone help?


ericthed... said...

Go to Wal Mart to save and to use some or lysine. You will be with all the vitamins .. This is an excellent resource clean contrary to .. and that the work ..

Betty said...

I have cancer, wounds, and having done everything there is made for cold sores and ulcers, cancer, I discovered that the only sure thing is Listerine.

For Listerine every taste you can handle. Get an intake and Swish ... then hold in your mouth as long as you can bear.

If you will be gone 2 or 3 times a day, the wound in a few days.

It also helps numb to the pain.

I hope this helps you because it helps me! Good luck!

(: said...

I found that propolis quite well. (: Its taste and odor, but it freed itself from wounds! I hope this helps: D

bigshot said...

if theyre wounds knows that may be a lack of vitamin malnutrition

bigshot said...

if theyre wounds knows that may be a lack of vitamin malnutrition

Julia said...

They are wounds. Wal-Mart sells something to the pain to stop. I saw today. It is the section where it hangs floss. It is said that the day will get over.

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